Share A Moment Photo Booths | CHANGE LIVES PROGRAM ($5/MO)
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It’s been an incredible year… we were the life of the party at nearly 100 events and, more importantly, we helped thousands of people in need at the same time! It was our first year in business and we couldn’t have been more pleased with the results. To name a few, this year we worked alongside the Salvation Army, The Special Olympics of Southern California, The Girl Scouts of America, HashTag Lunch Bag, Solid Landings, Youth Policy Institute, Mercy House, LA Library Foundation, and the list goes on and on! We’ve got so much in store for 2017 and we’re looking for your help. Introducing the ‘CHANGE LIVES PROGRAM.’ We’ve set up a $5 monthly subscription (fulfilled through Square) where all donations will go towards our monthly programs. We’re always extremely transparent with our funds so know that your simple $5 will go an extremely long way  We have our Ronald McDonald & Choc program coming up along with some really interesting and impactful volunteer efforts. Please reach out to us if you think you’ll be able to spare the $5 a month and we will set you up to be part of the program. Thank you in advance, seriously, thank you genuinely for your support. Oh, and don’t forget, you’re always welcome to volunteer at any and all of the events 

Everyone deserves to smile! A Smile for you, a smile for them!
– S.A.M.

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